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Buddy Guy - The Real Deal (1996) [flac]
13.05.2010, 13:44

Исполнитель: Buddy Guy
Альбом: The Real Deal
Год выпуска: 1996
Стиль: Blues
Формат: flac (image, cue, log)
Битрейт: lossless
Время звучания: 59:46
Размер файла: 381 mb
01. I've Got My Eyes on You   Dixon, Guy  4:10
02. Sweet Little Angel   King, Nighthawk  7:49
03. Talk to Me Baby   James  3:57
04. My Time After Awhile   Badger, Bager, Feinberg ... 7:41
05. I've Got News for You   Alfred, Alfred     13:02
06. Damn Right, I've Got the Blues   Guy     7:42
07. First Time I Met the Blues   Montgomery, Montgomery  6:59
08. Ain't That Loving You   Hunter, Malone, Otis, Reed  5:48
09. Let Me Love You Baby   Dixon  5:48
Buddy Guy - guitar
G.E. Smith - guitar
George Young - alto saxophone
Lenny Pickett - tenor saxophone
Lew Del Gatto - baritone saxophone
Ron Tooley - trumpet
Dennis Wilson - trombone
Johnnie Johnson - piano
Leon Pendarvis - organ
Paul Ossola - electric bass
Shawn Pelton - drums
==================================================================[spoyler=Buddy Guy - The Real Deal]
...This is a good live album because Buddy Guy for once in concert is playing Buddy Guy, not imitating other guitar players which he annoyingly loves to do. It is also the most traditional blues sound he's done in about 20 years, not counting the duo cd's with Junior Wells. The Saturday Night Live Band keeps right in step on all 9 tracks with some good driving rhythum. There are some roof raising slow numbers like "Sweet Black Angel" and "My Time After Awhile" where you really hear Buddy actually playing the blues like the old days at Chess... amazon.com


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Категория: Blues | Добавил: dmitrych2 | Теги: Buddy Guy, The Real Deal
Просмотров: 1186 | Комментарии: 1 | Рейтинг: 5.0/1
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1 | eugen671 | Евгений (13.05.2010 | 22:12)[Материал]
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