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Sonny Moorman - Sonny's Blues (2003)
01.05.2010, 01:00

Исполнитель: Sonny Moorman
Альбом: Sonny's Blues
Год выпуска: 2003
Стиль: Blues Rock  
Формат: mp3 
Битрейт: VBR
Время звучания: 1:14:15
Размер: 112 mb
01. Drowning on Dry Land
02. Crossroads
03. Born Under a Bad Sign
04. Rock Me Baby
05. Blue Jean Blues
06. A Fool For Your Stockings
07. CC Rider
08. Old Slow Blues
09. Cincinnati Shuffle
10. Dust My Broom
11. You Shook Me
12. Have You Ever Loved A Woman
13. Sonny's Blues
Sonny Moorman - guitar and vocals
Marc Hoffman, Denny Hymer, Bob Logsdon – bass guitar
Joe Clooney, Greg Day, Jim McNeely, Brian Sergi – drums
[spoyler=Sonny Moorman - Sonny's Blues]Sonny Moorman is an American power blues guitarist from Cincinnati, Ohio. His style is sometimes compared to that of the legendary Allman Brothers, Gov't Mule, and occasional Dead guitarist Warren Haynes. He also owns a music lesson studio in Cincinnati, called Rock School. Sonny currently does solo acoustic performances and he also makes several appearances a week with his trio, the Sonny Moorman Group.

Sonny Moorman may be one of the most talented artists that many outside the Cincinnati, Ohio region have not had the pleasure of hearing. I have been a fan for the last ten years, ever since I purchased Moorman’s first CD, a live recording showcasing his power blues/rock approach. "Sonny’s Blues" is a compilation of songs from this first CD as well as from three others. Although I already had the four CDs, I wanted "Sonny’s Blues" not only because it was indeed a collection of some of his best blues performances, but the recordings were remastered. Two of the four CDs are difficult to find today, so "Sonny’s Blues" is an excellent jumping off point for those who want to familiarize themselves with an artist who is among the best guitarists you will hear. Moorman has a gruff, gritty voice that is perfect for the type
of music he plays. He has an excellent ear for choosing great cover songs by the likes of Robert Johnson, ZZ Top and Willie Dixon, but he also writes great originals. Several of the songs were recorded in a live setting so you have the opportunity to hear Moorman in his natural habitat at a Cincinnati area watering-hole.

"Sonny’s Blues" is 56 minutes of intense, powerful, raw, and skilled blues/rock performances. All tracks are in the classic guitar-bass-drums power trio format, but the sound is far from the bombastic atmosphere typical of this format. Rather, the performances remain sinewy and tasteful without sacrificing intensity. There is not a weak track on the CD. While 10 of the 13 songs are covers, the three original songs are every bit as strong as the others. Even those songs that you may have heard dozens of times (Crossroads, Born Under a Bad Sign, Dust My Broom) take on a surprising freshness when performed with the skill apparent throughout all the tracks. Those of you who are fans of early ZZ Top will take great pleasure in hearing two of their best blues songs performed easily as well, if not better, than the originals: Blue Jean Blues and Fool for Your Stockings.

On several songs (Drowning on Dry Land and Sonny’s Blues, in particular), Moorman displays his ability to play rapid-fire notes in a slow blues format. It reminds me of Roy Buchanan’s style. Slide guitar is the watchword in Old Slow Blues and Dust My Broom, played to perfection on both tracks. Willie Dixon’s You Shook Me is played in Led Zeppelin’s style, but Moorman certainly adds his own touch to the song. Although a variety of bass players and drummers appear on the tracks, all are talented and provide perfect support for Moorman’s guitar pyrotechnics and heartfelt, gritty vocals.

Moorman has a new CD called "Crossroads Motel" that will be released soon. I have already had the pleasure of hearing it. It is blues-oriented, loaded with more originals, and makes a wonderful companion to Sonny’s Blues. Sonny Moorman and his band continue to win regional awards, including best blues band and best blues instrumentalist. Sonny is perhaps more deserving of wider recognition than any regional performer I have heard. He is that good. Al Kaplan


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Категория: Blues | Добавил: dmitrych2 | Теги: Van Wilks, Sonny Moorman Group, Sonny Moorman
Просмотров: 1723 | Комментарии: 4 | Рейтинг: 5.0/1
Всего комментариев: 3
1 | Kuzzya | Юрий (17.10.2009 | 04:16)[Материал]
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  Не попадался он мне ранее, понравился, спасибо fm С обложками снова сложности. ac
А есть ещё что-то из его дисков? В инете нашёл пока тока концертник 2006 - Live At The Cincy Blues Fest,
но там качество хромает VBR-192 kbps ac Не знаю стоит ли в таком качестве публиковать bn

2 | oldrum | Виктор (17.10.2009 | 18:26)[Материал]
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  Спасибо,dmitrych2! Симпатичный альбом.
Классику не копирует и не портит.

3 | kozyrpavel | Pavel (01.05.2010 | 07:20)[Материал]
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  Уважаемый dmitrych2, восстановите, если можно, ссылку на этот альбом в МР3. Заранее благодарен, Павел.

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