Исполнитель: Thunder
Альбом: Shooting At The Sun
Год выпуска: 2003
Стиль: Hard Rock
Формат: flac (image, cue, log)
Битрейт: lossless
Время звучания: 1:00:25
Размер: 460 mb
01. Loser
02. Everybody's Laughing
03. If I Can't Feel Love
04. Shooting At The Sun
05. Pimp And The Whore
06. Lover Not A Friend
07. Shake The Tree
08. Somebody Get Me A Spin Doctor
09. Man Inside
10. Out Of My Head
11. Blown Away
Bonus tracks:
12. River of Pain [Live]
13. Somebody Get Me a Spin Doctor [Live]
Daniel Don Bowes - vocals
Luke Morley - guitar (acoustic), guitar (electric), vocals (background)
Ben Matthews - guitar (rhythm), keyboards
Chris Childs - bass
Gary James - drums, percussion
Angela Murrell - vocals (background)
Thunder - Shooting At The Sun]
Еще один отличный альбом от Thunder, здесь все то же - хард-рок, мелодизм и великолепный вокал Дэнни... Thunder's evident love for blues-rock injects an unexpected vitality into "Shooting at the Sun", their enthusiasm permeating every melancholy ballad and yearning chorus and preventing them from lapsing into the jaded, uninspired trap that's claimed so many of their peers. They have two further advantages in their ongoing struggle against the passing years.
One is singer Danny Bowes, who at points approaches Paul Rodgers' depth of feeling. The other is guitarist, songwriter and producer Luke Morley, who prevents Thunder from becoming that most horrible of spectacles--a group of wrinkled debauchees. Lyrically, he never plays the rock game. In love--as with "Loser", the ELO-like "Out of My Head" and "A Lover, Not a Friend"--he's seldom victorious, sometimes gratifyingly bitter.
Elsewhere, with his finger on the social pulse, he contemplates the Pop Idol phenomenon, media manipulation and the unutterable tedium of people on cocaine. His refusal to accept a myopic backstage life keeps Thunder alive. "Shooting at the Sun" is an unexpectedly strong effort. amazon.co.uk -- Dominic Wills
...So what of this new offering? "Hailed as a cross between their first and last albums, Shooting At The Sun sees them return very much to their classic rock roots." Well that's what the accompanying press release says. What it meant to say is Thunder were, are, and always will be derivative nonsense that only their mums could still profess to support. The thin spandex of loyalty can only be stretched so far before even old mother Morley et al give up politely waiting for their boys to find proper jobs, and tell them like it is. Oh the shame, the disappointment!
Musically this album is proficient no-thrills rock, but even in this limited sphere it is desperately unadventurous. Lyrically, it is banal in the extreme. Take this mindless doggerel from Somebody Better Get Me A Spin Doctor: "Somebody get me a spin doctor, lying and
a-cheating and a-covering up the evidence. But when the fingers start to point who's the man to clean the joint, If only he'd been with me when I got in late the other night. That's right." A-cheating? A-covering up? Clean the joint? Is this for real? Sadly it doesn't get any better... counterculture.co.uk / Tom Alford
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